63SECTION 3: DATA FIELD DESCRIPTIONSZZoonnee TTyyppee SSttaarrtt SSttoopp58 = Duress Does not have to report Duress. Throws on any valid command entered with anauthority level 6 code (except code**)60 = Audio AlarmVerification*Must be selected for both START and STOP operation.∗ DO NOT ASSIGN THESE SYSTEM EVENTS TO A PARTITION5) PARTITION NO. (P)The device's "Start" ZONE TYPE/SYSTEM OPERATION may be limited to an occurrence on one partition(1-8), or any partition (0).STOP (STP) The "STOP" programming determines when and under what conditions the device is de-activated. Thefollowing options are available:1) RESTORE ZONE LIST (ZL).If a "ZONE LIST" is used as the “Stop” event, the device de-activates when all the zones in that listrestore from a previous fault, trouble, or alarm condition.This occurs regardless of what is programmed to "START" the device; therefore, a "RESTORE ZONELIST" is normally only used when a "ZONE LIST" is used to start the device.2) ZONE TYPE/SYSTEM OPERATION (ZT).Instead of using a "RESTORE ZONE LIST," you can select a specific zone (response) type or systemoperation action to de-activate the device.If you choose a specific "ZONE TYPE," any zone of that response type that restores from a previousalarm, trouble, or fault condition will cause the device to de-activate.If you choose a "SYSTEM OPERATION," that operation causes the device to de-activate. Thedifferent choices for "ZONE TYPE" and "SYSTEM OPERATION" are listed in the table above.3) PARTITION NO. (P).The device's "Stop" Zone Type/System Operation may be limited to an occurrence on one partition(1-8), or on any partition (0).The “ZONE TYPE/SYSTEM OPERATION” option functions independently of the“RESTORE/ZONE LIST” combination.OOuuttppuutt DDeevviiccee PPrrooggrraammmmiinnggFrom Data Field Programming Mode, press #93 to display the "ZONE PROG?" prompt. Press [0] (NO) to each menuoption until the "OUTPUT PGM?" prompt appears. Press [1] (YES).While in this mode, press [∗] to advance to next screen. Press [#] to back up to the previous screen.PROMPT EXPLANATIONENTER RELAY #(00=QUIT) 01Enter the relay (output device) identification number 01-96. This is a reference number only, used foridentification purposes. The initial programming is to establish the trigger and action of the device. Theactual module address and relay number on the module are programmed in the last two prompts.Press [∗] to continue.02 A EV ZL ZT PSTT 0 0 00 00 0The keypad displays a summary START screen.Press [∗] to continue.02 A ZL ZT PSTOP 0 00 00 0The keypad displays a summary STOP screen.Press [∗] to continue.02 RELAY ACTIONNO RESPONSE 0The Relay Action is the way in which the relay will respond when activated by the "start" event. Enter thedesired action for this relay as follows:0 = Not Used 3 = Pulse On/Off1 = Close for 2 Seconds 4 = Toggle On and Off Alternately2 = Stay ClosedNOTE: For options 1 and 4, do not program a “Stop” parameter.