46VISTA-128BPT/128BPT-SIA/250BPT PROGRAMMING GUIDE55880000 SSeerriieess TTrraannssmmiitttteerrss LLoooopp DDeessiiggnnaattiioonnssPROMPT EXPLANATIONXMIT TO CONFIRMPRESS ∗TO SKIPConfirmation Option: This prompt only appears if you answered “Yes” at the prompt “Set to Confirm”.The system enters a confirmation mode so that the operation of the actual programmed input can beconfirmed.Activate the loop input or button that corresponds to this zone. At any time during this step, you maypress the [∗] key on the keypad to save the serial and loop number combination without confirming.Entd A022-4063 1Rcvd A022-4064If the serial number transmitted does not match the serial number entered, a display similar to theone at the left appears.If the loop number does not match, it is also displayed.If so, activate the loop input or button on the transmitter once again. If a match is not obtained (i.e.,summary display does not appear), press the [#] key twice and then enter or transmit the correct serialnumber.010 ZT P RC In L03 1 3C RF 1sIf the serial number transmitted does match the serial number entered, the system beeps 3 times anda summary display appears, showing that zone’s programming.NOTE: that an “s” indicates that a transmitter’s serial number has been enrolled.Press [∗] to accept the zone information.ENTER ZONE NO.000 = QUIT 011The system returns to the “ENTER ZONE NO.” prompt for the next zone.When all zones have been programmed, enter “000” to quit.After you have enrolled each wireless device, remove ONE of the serial number labels from that device and affix it inthe appropriate column on the worksheets provided later in this Programming Guide; then enter the otherinformation (zone number, zone type, etc.) relevant to that device.When you have finished programming all zones, test each using the system's Test Mode. Do not usethe Transmitter ID Sniffer Mode. The system checks only for transmission of one zone on a particulartransmitter, NOT the zones assigned to each additional loop, and also does not verify polling loop typezones.