AQUATROL ZONE SYNCHRONIZING BOILER RESET CONTROLS69-1979—04 4Programming InstructionsProgram the AQ251 by using the keypad and LCD display toselect parameters from the User Menu. Refer to Fig. 1 onpage 2 for an illustration of the LCD screen and keypad.NOTE: The figures in “User Menu Structure” on page 8provide a graphical layout of the AQ251’s User andInstaller menus.When a new AQ2000 component is connected on theAQUATROL network, it will be seamlessly integrated in thesystem after a few seconds. If one or more components aredisconnected or stop providing data to the network, amessage will appear on the System Status display until thefault is corrected.User Menu OverviewThe User Menu is intended for use by the building owner tochoose the LCD display preferences, Zone Settings (includingsetpoint temperatures and setback times for each zone), andtemperatures for the WAKE, LEAVE, RETRN (return), andSLEEP programs.The Home Page and User Menu allow the building owner to:• View the status of the system.• Set up preferences for how the system information isdisplayed.• Set target temperatures for each zone (requires AQ1000thermostats).• Program times of the day when the system will set back thetemperatures for all zones (requires AQ1000 thermostats).NOTE: If there are any problems with the system’s opera-tion, the AQ251 displays error codes on the SystemStatus display of the LCD panel. For details on these,refer to “Troubleshooting” on page 6.TO ACCESS THE USER MENU:Press the Menu button on the keypad at any time to accessthe User Menu.User Menu SettingsThe User menu has five sub-menus.• “System Status”• “Preferences/Time”• “Zone Settings (requires AQ1000 thermostats)”• “Program Settings”• “Statistics” on page 5To make changes to the parameter settings in the User Menu,refer to “LCD Display Navigation” on page 3.SYSTEM STATUSThis is a detailed list of activities going on in the heatingsystem (e.g., call for heat, DHW disabled), and provide thebuilding owner with a quick snapshot of the heating system’soperation, primarily for purposes of troubleshooting andsystem diagnostics.PREFERENCES/TIMEThe preferences that the building owner can change in thissub-menu are:— The temperature scale for the display (Fahrenheit orCelsius) for both the AQ251 control’s LCD and thezone thermostats.— The time display in 12 hour (e.g., 7:00 PM) or 24 hourformat (e.g., 19:00).— Date and time of day – allows building owner to resetday and time of day in the event of a power outage ofmore than 4 hours (refer to Troubleshooting section).— The Home Page display view, Simple or Detail. Thefactory default is Detail.— The LCD Backlight – illuminated permanently (ON) orset to automatically turn off backlight after 1 hour(AUTO).POWER FAILUREIf a power disruption lasts for more than 4 hours, the messagePLS SET DAY/TIME displays and optionally, the AQ251'sbacklight flashes repeatedly. This displayed messagecontinues until the DATE and TIME OF DAY are updated. See“Power Disruption Greater Than 4 Hours” on page 6.ZONE SETTINGS (REQUIRES AQ1000 THERMOSTATS)Settings in this sub-menu define:— The temperature setpoints (target temperatures) foreach zone in the heating system— The temperature setback for each zone in the heatingsystem. This is the desired temperature drop when theheating system enters the setback program SLEEP orLEAVE.— The maximum and minimum setpoints that can beentered by a user at a thermostat screen for eachzone.— Whether each zone can be set independently by theAQ251 (i.e., some zones can be locked while othersare unlocked) depending on whether or not the key-board on a thermostat is locked. When locked, nochanges can be made to a zone’s setpoint tempera-ture through the thermostat. Changes can still bemade through the Zone Settings menu on the AQ251control panel.PROGRAM SETTINGSUsing the Program Settings sub-menu, the building owner candefine the time of day when the entire heating system willchange programs (e.g., from SLEEP to WAKE).The AQ251 has provision for four different schedule periodsper day. They are defined as WAKE, LEAVE, RETRN (return),and SLEEP:WAKE: Period when you awaken and want yourhome at a comfortable temperature.LEAVE: Period when you are away from home andwant an energy-saving temperature.RETRN: Period when you return home and wantyour home back to a comfortabletemperature.SLEEP: Period when you are asleep and want anenergy-saving temperature.There are three modes of operation – Automatic, Occupiedand Unoccupied:AUTO: In AUTO mode, the AQ251 follows theWAKE, LEAVE, RETRN, and SLEEPprograms.OCC: In OCC mode, the AQ251 holds thetemperature of OCCUPIED programs(WAKE and RETURN). This might be usedif the occupancy pattern of the building