∗∗∗∗88 Program Mode Lockout Options [0]0 = standard *98 installer code lockout (reentry only by [∗] + [#] within50 seconds after power up)1 = lockout [∗] + [#] reentry after *98 exit (reenter via installer code ordownloader only)2 = not used3 = lockout local programming after *98 exit (reenter by downloader only)∗∗∗∗89 Event Log Full Report Code [00] |See box above field *59 for report code entries.∗∗∗∗90 Event Log Enables [3]NOTE: System messages are logged when any non-zero entry is made.0 = None; 1 = Alarm/Alarm Restore2 = Trouble/Trouble Restore;4 = Bypass/Bypass Restore;8 = Open/Close.Example: To select “Alarm/Alarm Restore”, and“Open/Close”, enter 9 (1 + 8); To select all, enter #15.∗∗∗∗91 Option Selection [8, 0]Options: 0 = None Options V20PSIA/V15PSIA4 = AAV UL: must use ADEMCO UVCM module Call Wait Disable8 = Exit Delay Restart/Reset UL: must be disabled#+12 = AAV and Exit Delay Restart/ResetSIA Guidelines: Exit Delay should be enabled.V20PSIA/V15PSIA:Options: Same as listed above.Call Waiting Disable:0 = call waiting not used1 = call waiting disable digits (*70) entered in field *40; (whenselected, the system dials the entry in field *40 only onalternate dial attempts; this allows proper dialing in the eventcall waiting service is later canceled by the user).∗∗∗∗92 Phone Line Monitor Enable [0,0]UL: see Inst. Instructions for requirements 1 2NOTE: Output Device must either be programmed to be STOPPED infield ✱80 or STOPPED by Code + # + 8 + output number.Entry 1:: 0 = disabled, 1-15 = 1 min - 15 min(#+10 = 10 min; #+11 = 11 min; #+12 = 12 min; #+13 = 13 min; #+14= 14 min; #+15 = 15 min)Entry 2:0 = Keypad display when line is faulted1 = Keypad display plus keypad trouble sound2 = Same as “1”, plus programmed output device STARTS. If eitherpartition is armed, external sounder activates also.∗∗∗∗93 Reports In Armed Period [1,0]Per Zone (Swinger Suppression) Restrict V20PSIA/V15PSIARestrict Report Pairs: Report Pairs Unlimited0 = Unlimited Reports Reports Enable1 = 1 report pair2 = 2 report pairs SIA Guidelines: Must be set for option 1 or 2.V20PSIA/V15PSIA:Restrict Report Pairs: 1 = 1 report pair; 2 = 2 report pairsUnlimited Reports Enable:0 = restrict reports to the setting in entry 11 = unlimited reports for zones listed in zone list 7; (use zone list 7to enter those zones that require unlimited reporting; thesezones ignore the setting in entry 1)DOWNLOAD INFORMATION (✱94, ✱95)∗∗∗∗94 Download Phone No.| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Enter up to 20 digits, 0–9; #+11 for '✱'; #+12 for '#'; #+13 for a 2-second pause. Do not fill unused spaces. If fewer than 20 digits, exitfield by pressing ✱. To clear entries from field, press ✱94✱.UL: downloading may be performed only if a technician is at the site.∗∗∗∗95 Ring Count For Downloading [15]NOTE: Do not enter “0” if using 4285/4286 Phone Module.0 = Disable Station Initiated Download;1–14 = number of rings (1–9, # +10 =10, # +11 =11,# +12 =12, # +13 =13, # +14 =14);15 = answering machine defeat (# +15 =15).∗∗∗∗96 , ∗∗∗∗97 Initialize/Reset DefaultsThis is a command, not a data field. See page 2.∗∗∗∗98 , *99 Exit CommandsThis is a command, not a data field. See page 2.PAGER OPTIONS (✱160- ✱172)∗∗∗∗160 Pager 1 Phone No.| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Enter up to 20 digits. 0–9; #+11 = '✱'; #+12 = '#'; #+13 = 2-sec pause∗∗∗∗161 Pager 1 Characters| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Enter the optional prefix characters, up to 16 digits.0–9; #+11 = '✱'; #+12 = '#'; #+13 = 2-second pause.∗∗∗∗162 Pager 1 Report Options[0,0,0]Part. 1 Part. 2 commonFor each partition, select from the following options:0 = no reports sent1 = Opens/closes all users4 = All alarms and troubles5 = All alarms / troubles, and opens/closes for all users12 = Alarms / troubles for zones entered in zone list 913 = Alarms / troubles for zones entered in zone list 9, andopens/closes for all users∗∗∗∗163 Pager 2 Phone No.| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Enter up to 20 digits. 0–9; #+11 = 'Q'; #+12 = '#'; #+13 = 2-sec pause∗∗∗∗164 Pager 2 Characters| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Enter the optional prefix characters, up to 16 digits.0–9; #+11 = '✱'; #+12 = '#'; #+13 = 2-second pause.∗∗∗∗165 Pager 2 Report Options[0,0,0]Part. 1 Part. 2 commonSee field *162 for reporting options. Select for each partition (use zonelist 10 if using options 12 or 13).∗∗∗∗166 Pager 3 Phone No.| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Enter up to 20 digits. 0–9; #+11 = '✱'; #+12 = '#'; #+13 = 2-sec pause∗∗∗∗167 Pager 3 Characters| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Enter the optional prefix characters, up to 16 digits.0–9; #+11 = '✱'; #+12 = '#'; #+13 = 2-second pause.∗∗∗∗168 Pager 3 Report Options0,0,0]Part. 1 Part. 2 commonSee field *162 for reporting options. Select for each partition (use zonelist 11 if using options 12 or 13).∗∗∗∗169 Pager 4 Phone No.| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Enter up to 20 digits. 0–9; #+11 = '✱'; #+12 = '#'; #+13 = 2-sec pause∗∗∗∗170 Pager 4 Characters| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Enter the optional prefix characters, up to 16 digits.0–9; #+11 = '✱'; #+12 = '#'; #+13 = 2-second pause.∗∗∗∗171 Pager 4 Report Options[0,0,0]Part. 1 Part. 2 commonSee field *162 for reporting options. Select for each partition (use zonelist 12 if using options 12 or 13).∗∗∗∗172 Pager Delay Option For Alarms [3]0 = none; 1 = 1 minute; 2 = 2 minutes; 3 = 3 minutesThis delay is for ALL pagers in the system.– 5 –