N8583V3 7/05 Rev. AADEMCO 5809Rate-Of-Rise Heat DetectorINSTALLATION AND SETUP GUIDEGENERAL INFORMATIONThe ADEMCO 5809 Rate-of-Rise Heat Detector is a wirelessdevice used with ADEMCO alarm systems that support 5800series devices.The 5809 combine both rate-of-rise and fixed temperaturesensors. The 5809’s rate-of-rise thermostat senses the rise intemperature and signals an alarm if the rise is 15°F (8°C) ormore per minute. Fires typically cause a rapid rise intemperature in the surrounding area. A built-in fixedtemperature sensor will also signal an alarm if the ambienttemperature rises above 135°F (57°C).WARNING: The 5809’s fixed temperature sensor will bepermanently damaged if the 5809 is installed, stored or shippedin environments where temperature exceeds 120°F.NOTES:• If the fixed temperature sensor activates, the 5809must be replaced.• An installation site where the ambient temperatureexceeds 100°F for extended periods is notrecommended.A 3-volt lithium battery powers the 5809. If the battery voltagegets too low, the 5809 send a low battery signal to the controlpanel.The 5809 also include a tamper switch, which causes a troublesignal to be sent to the control if the unit is removed from themounting base.A built-in activation button, located on the detector assembly, isused when programming the unit’s serial number at the controland when testing the unit.INSTALLING THE BATTERYImportant Notes:• Use 3-volt lithium battery: Duracell DL 123A orPanasonic/Sanyo/Varta/Tekcell CR123A.• Observe polarity.• When replacing the battery, wait at least 30 secondsafter removing the old battery, before installing thenew one.Remove the detector assembly from its mounting base andinstall a 3-volt lithium battery as shown below.BATTERY5809EN-003-V0PROGRAMMING THE UNITThe transmitter’s serial number must be enrolled in the controlpanel before usage in the system. Refer to the Installation andSetup Guide for which this device is to be used forprogramming procedures for enrolling transmitter serialnumbers. Before programming do the following:1. Remove the detector assembly from its mounting base bytwisting the detector assembly counter-clockwise andwithdraw from the base.2. Install the battery (if not already installed). Observepolarity!3. Enter the control’s programming mode and follow thecontrol’s programming instructions. When programmingthis transmitter at the control, note the following:• Input Type = 3 (Supervised RF)• Loop number = 1Transmit from the detector when prompted (momentarilydepress the activation button shown below). You can alsomanually enter the detector’s serial number.4. Test the detector after enrolling into the system. Refer tothe Testing section.5809EN-001-V0ACTIVATIONBUTTONDETECTORASSEMBLYINDEXTABTAMPERSWITCHMOUNTING THE DETECTORYou can mount the 5809 on a wall or ceiling within theprotection area:• Wall Mounting: Mount the detector 4” - 6” from theceiling.• Ceiling Mounting: Mount the detector at least 4” fromany wall. Make sure the normal ceiling temperaturewill not exceed 100°F.• Refer to NFPA Standard 72 for detector spacing andother requirements. Maximum spacing for ULinstallations is 50’x50’.• Avoid mounting the detector near heat generatingdevices (e.g. ovens, heat vents, furnaces, boilers).IMPORTANT:Heat detectors should be used for property protection.Reliance should not be placed solely on heat detectors forlife safety. When life safety is involved, smoke detectorsMUST also be used. Detectors must not be painted.WIRELESS TRANSMISSION PATH TESTA good RF transmission path must be established from theproposed mounting location before permanently installing thedetector. To determine that there is good signal reception fromthe proposed location, perform the test procedure described inTESTING THE DETECTOR section.Once a good RF transmission path is confirmed, mount thedetector as follows: