68 Maintaining your account12. MAINTAINING YOUR ACCOUNT12.1 Account numberAfter you sign a rental agreement for your meter, you will beassigned a TMS® (Tele Meter Setting) Bank Account Number.An account confirmation Welcome Letter will be mailed to youindicating your TMS® Bank Account Number and your MailerAgreement Number. These number should be kept in a safe place,yet be readily available, because they are used for all TMS®account maintenance transactions.12.2 Account balanceYou can use the Hasler Automated TMS® system to check yourTMS® Bank Account status and other important TMS® informa-tion.. Simply call 1-800-248-8013 and use your touchtone phone toenter your TMS® Bank Account Number and your Mailer Agree-ment Number. Then select from the menu options.You can also go online to (1) www.infonowonline.com or (2)www.haslerinc.com and select Postage Accounts (TMS). You willneed to enterTMS® Bank Account Nnumber and your MailerAgreement Number. Then select from the menu options.With either system, you can then receive details regarding yourAccount Balance (includes the current balance, the availablebalance and any unpaid advances), You can also receive informa-tion on holiday schedules, meter operating guides, liscensingforms, payment addresses, and customized TMS Bank Accountstatements.12.3 StatementsYou can receive a daily, weekly,monthly, or quartly statement of allactivity in your TMS® Bank Account. To be setup on Automatic