HOA 7100 MAXLink Optical Amplifier Product Manual Rev C (4/05) 4–14Web InterfaceThis chapter introduces the HOA 7100 web interface. Once the amplifier isoperating, the web interface provides a convenient means to manage it.MAXLink products have an embedded HTTP server, which allows you toremotely view the status of alarms and settings, or make adjustments to theamplifier. However, for security reasons, a password is required to changeany settings.This chapter describes:• Requirements• HTTP access control• How to access and use the web interface• How to change your access level and adjust the amplifier• Web interface tipsThe following features are available through the web interface, but are notavailable through the front panel interface:• Assigning a name, location, and contact• Viewing the hardware version of the HOA 7100The following features are available through the front panel interface, but arenot available through the web interface:• Assigning IP addresses to the amplifier• Locking and unlocking the keypad4.1 RequirementsYou can access the MAXLink web interface from any computer that isconnected to the same IP network and has a web browser.To use the web interface, the HOA 7100 must be properly installed, asdescribed in Chapter 3, Installing the HOA 7100 Optical Amplifier, and you needto know the amplifier’s IP address. Specifically, the HOA 7100 must beconnected to your IP network as described in Section 3.11 Connecting theEthernet Cable on page 3-10, and IP addresses must have been assigned to theHOA 7100 as described in Section 3.12 Assigning IP Addresses on page 3-10.