22ZonePROTMSection 5 - Link I/O5.1 Link I/O OverviewThe Link Bus allows you to route some of the ZonePRO’s audio inputs to another ZonePRO ordaisy chain multiple ZonePROs using standard straight-through Cat 5 cables, instead of using“Y” cables or a dedicated distribution amplifier. This allows for easy expansion of outputs (orzones) in a ZonePRO system.The Link Bus does not expand the input channel count of a ZonePRO system.Simply connect a short straight-through Cat 5 cable fromthe Link Output RJ-45 connector of the device sending thesignals, to the Link Input RJ-45 connector of the devicereceiving the signals.The cable length of the linking cable must notexceed 25’! Linking more than 3 ZonePROs is typically notrecommended, as systems of this size generally requireprocessors with a more sophisticated feature set.LINK INPUTLINK OUTPUTLINK INPUTLINK OUTPUTSendingZonePROReceivingZonePROThe analog input signals are routed directly to the Link Output connector. Therefore, theprogram material coming out of the Link Output has not been processed by the DSP and whenconnected to another ZonePRO’s Link Input, both devices are processing the same programmaterial.The Link Input connector is routed directly to the input circuitry. This means that when usingthe Link Bus, any inputs sent down the Link Bus and received at a ZonePRO’s Link Input willrender those corresponding input jacks unusable on the receiving ZonePRO. If a source were tobe connected to any of the receiving ZonePRO’s corresponding inputs, this would be akin toconnecting two sources to the same input jacks and doing so may cause distortion or damageto the processor.5.2 JumpersIf there are signals that you do not want to send or receive through the Link Bus you canopen those connections in the Cat 5 cable. The RCA inputs are always active and can only bedisconnected by opening the connections in the Cat 5 cable, but the ML1 and ML2 Euroblockmic/line inputs do have selection jumpers inside the device. These jumpers can be set to“Enabled” or “Disabled” on the “Link In” side or “Link Out” side on each ZonePRO processor.These jumpers come from the factory set to “Enabled”.Link I/OSection 5