17PC 45 Corn/Pellet StoveAUTOMATIC IGNITION ESP CONTROLFeed adjusterSets the maximumfeed rateTestRuns all motors at fullspeed for one minuteto check operation.After two minutes thes to ve wil l go tominimum burn andthe b lo we rs wil lalternate from high tolow every minute toremind you that youa re s ti ll i n "Tes tMode".Igniter switchSet to appropriateStart-Up mode.Di stri bu ti on Blo we rspeed adjustment range.L = lowH = highVariable speed anywhereb etwe en L a nd H;although as the stovetemp. goes up , so doesthe L and H scale.Temp dialAllows you to adjust the room temperature in RoomTemp Mode using the outer scale marked in degreesFahrenheit. It also allows you to adjust the stovetemperature while in Stove Temp Mode using the innerscale marked from 1 to 7.Mode SelectorAll ows yo u to c ho os ebetween Room Temp Mode,Stove Temp Mode, or OFF.Also allows you to vary thedistribution blower speed byturning the knob to the highor low side of each mode.Power LightIndicates power to thecontrol.Indicates power to thefeed motor.Indicates igniter is on.Indicates power tocombustion blowerStatus LightWill be lit in either stoveor room temp mode whenpointer is not within offposition band exceptafter normal shut down.Blinks to indicate errorslisted below.Indicates power todistribution blower.6 Blinks : Indicates that the control has calculatedpoor or incomplete combustion occurring for morethan 50 minutes. See Troubleshooting section formore details.A six blink status may be set if the stove is allowedto run out of pellets. To reset, turn mode selector to"OFF" then back on to the desired mode. If the unitwas not out of pellets, see Troubleshooting section,Page 24, for more details.* Manual reset- Disconnect power cord for a fewseconds and reconnect. If error still occurs call yourHarman Dealer.Status light error messages:1 Blink: Indicates control board self diagnostic fail-ure. This requires a manual reset*.3 Blinks: Indicates ESP (Exhaust Sensing Probe)failure. This requires a manual reset*.4 Blinks: Can occur only in Room Temp Mode andindicates Room Sensing Probe failed or not installed.If a Room Sensing Probe is then installed, the sta-tus light will automatically reset.NOTE: Unit will not start in "AUTO" with this statuserror.5 Blinks (In Igniter Auto. Mode Only): Indicatesthat the unit has failed to light within the 45 minutestart cycle. To reset - Turn Mode Selector to "OFF",then turn to either mode again.Dealer Diagnostic PortFor dealer maintenance useonly. Requires special DDMmonitor supplied to HarmanDealers exclusively.