ENGLISH11Troubleshooting GuideIf your HD710 does not operate asexpected, first check the items in thefollowing list. If you cannot deter-mine the source of the problem,contact your dealer or authorizedHarman Kardon service representa-tive.NO LIGHTS ON THE FRONTPANELPower cord is not plugged intopower outlet.Wall outlet or extension cord isfaulty. Check for poor connec-tions.Breaker on plug strip has tripped.Reset breaker.FRONT PANEL LIGHTS ARE ON,BUT THE CD DOES NOT PLAYThe disc may have been insertedupside down. Make sure the labelside is facing up.Moisture may have formed on thelaser/receptor inside the unit.This sometimes occurs in dampclimates or when the unit ismoved from a cold to a warmarea. Leave the unit turned on atroom temperature for 30 minutesto allow the moisture to evapo-rate, then play your disc.THE PLAY INDICATOR LIGHTS,BUT NO SOUND IS HEARDThe wrong SOURCE has beenselected on your integratedamplifier/receiver/preamplifier.Make sure you have selected theSOURCE where your CD player isconnected.THE SOUND SKIPS OR STUTTERSDURING PLAYBACKThe disc may be dirty or damaged.The unit may have been placed onan unstable surface. Isolate theunit from excessive vibration byplacing it on a firmer surface orfarther away from your speakers.THE SOUND IS CONTINUOUSLYDISTORTEDThe cables from the HD710 havebeen plugged into the wrong inputjacks on your integrated amplifier/receiver/preamplifier. Make sureyou have not plugged the unit intothe PHONO jacks.•••••••••NOTHING HAPPENS WHENFUNCTION KEYS ARE PRESSEDTHE DISPLAY SHOWS BROKENCHARACTERSTHE REMOTE CONTROL DOESNOT FUNCTION CORRECTLYTurn the power to the unit off, thenback on again.Turn the power to the unit off, thenback on again.Make sure you are using theremote control within the 30° angleand 23 ft. (7 m) range described inthis manual.Make sure the remote transmitterlens and the front panel REMOTESENSOR window are clean andthat no objects are blocking thepath from the remote control to theREMOTE SENSOR area on thefront panel.Make sure that no strong fluores-cent lights are being used in thelistening room.Check that the batteries inside theremote control are fresh.••••••Uden navn-1 12/01/1998, 14:4714