86. Fit the shaft to tractor and sprayerpump.NOTE: Female part towards tractor.Fit the chains to prevent theprotection guards to rotate with theshaft.7. To ensure long life of the transmis-sion shaft, try to avoid workingangles greater than 15°.8. Transmission shafts with conemust be fitted by tightening theAllen screw to a torque of 40 Nm.Check again after 2 minutes use.Rear lights (if fitted)Connect plug for rear lights to the tractors 7-poledsocket and check that rear lights, stop lights and directionindicators work properly before driving anywhere.The wiring is in ISO accordance. See section on Technical specifications.RoadworthynessWhen driving on public roads and other areas where the highway codeapplies, or areas where there are special rules and regulations for markingand lights on implements, you should observe these and equip implementsaccordingly.Operating instructionsFilling the main tankWater is filled into the tank by removing the tank lid located at right handside of sprayer tank. It is recommended to use as clean water as possiblefor spraying purposes. Always fill water through the strainer basket toprevent foreign particles from entering the tank. An overhead tank can beused in order to obtain high filling capacity.WARNING: Do not let the filling hose enter the tank. Keep it outside thetank, pointing towards the filling hole.If the hose is lead into the tank and thewater pressure drops at the water supplyplant, chemicals may be siphoned backand contaminate the water supply lines,plant and well.