73• Confirm by pressing CFM when asked “Start the blank calibration!”.• Wait for the end of the procedure.• If the message Press CFM appears, the procedure was successful and pressing CFM will save thecoeficients for the new cell.• If the message “failed” appears, the cell is not working properly. Check the electrical cableconnection and if the error persist contact your local Hanna Instruments Office.• Prime the reagent pump - see page 41 for details.• Wait 3 cycles for the measurement to stabilize.• Calibrate the measuring cell as described at page 47.Note: Before start measuring assure that a stirring bar (HI704871) is present in the cell.MAINTENANCE ERRORS, ALARMS AND WARNINGSThe possible error, alarm and warning messages are described below with a short suggestion aboutthe needed action to remove the error.The pH and temperature related messages are present only on PCA320, PCA330, PCA340 and theORP related messages are present only on PCA330.The warning messages appears on LCD and some of them on SMS. The measuring is not stopped onwarnings.Alarm conditions generate messages on the LCD, send SMS (if enabled), activate the alarm relayand the ALARM LED.Error conditions generate messages on the LCD, send SMS (if enabled), activate the system error relay,the SYSTEM ERROR LED and block the dosing.Error messages“No Reagent” on LCD and “No Reag.” on SMSThe reagent counter reached 0.At each measurement the reagent counter is decreased with one unit.Change the reagent bottle and reset the reagent counter. The reagent counter is reset also when the“prime reagent pump” command is executed.“Hardware Error” on LCD and “Hw Err” on SMSError on the hardware. The writing in EEPROM failed or the analog to digital converter not working;Contact your local Hanna Instruments Office.