2524PRINTER MAINTENANCETO CHANGE THE INK CARTRIDGEWhen printouts become faint, it might be necessary to change the inkcartridge. Contact your Hanna authorized center.TO INSERT THE PAPER ROLLThe meters use plainpaper rolls 38 mmwidth. To insert a newroll open the papercover pulling it gentlyand take the cylinderaway.Insert the paper edge inthe printer slot and feedthe printer by pressing thePAPER key.Allow about 5 cm (2") of paper to exitfrom the printer and replace the papercover.MEMORY ORGANIZATIONHI 98801 - HI 98804 onlyLogged data are stored in the internal EEPROM and are retained evenif batteries and external power are disconnected.MEMORY CAPACITY• 14000 data samples divided into 16 lots (lots 01 to 16)• 9999 data samples maximum for a single channel• 300 data samples for the Log on demand (lot 00).TIMED LOG (lots 01 to 16)Each time a new logging period starts, it automatically starts from thenext available lot. If the last lot was the 16th, the new logging periodrestarts from lot 01 overwriting previously logged data.When Timed logging memory is full, the meter overwrites the oldestlot data progressively reducing the old lots. In this case the startingtime, date and the dimension of the old lot are updated.Note: The oldest lot data are erased without any warning message.Note: Timed logging memory can be entirely erased through thesetup code 06.If the meter is powered only by the external power supply and there isa temporary power black out during logging, when power returns, thelogging continues normally if no samples have been lost, otherwisethe current lot is ended and a new lot starts. If printer is enabled, the"...Stop..." message will be printed. In any case, during scrolling theformer lot will be preceded by the "Interrupted Lot" message and thelatter by "Continuation Lot" to indicate the interruption.LOG ON DEMAND (Lot 00)When Log on demand data area is full the meter shows the "FULL"message to warn the user that the data are not stored in memory.Erase the memory area through setup code 05 to continue loggingdata on demand.The printing/logging thermometers are factory programmed to auto-matically diagnose a fault and to display error codes on the LCD.PRINTER ERRORWhenever a printer fault condition is detected, the printer stops andthe message "Printer error" scrolls across the upper LCD with the errorcode (see below) fixed on the secondary one.1 = Motor locked2 = Printer clutch jammed3 = Selection lever faultI2C BUS ERRORIn case of an I2C bus fatal error due for example to a defectiveEEPROM or RTC, the message "Serial bus error" keeps scrolling acrossLCD from right to left indefinitely. Meter should be returned for repair(see warranty section).FAULT CONDITIONS