6362APPENDIX B - PROBE DEPLOYMENTThe Hanna HI 769819X have been designed for a variety of water qualitymeasurements both in situ or in active deployments in urban or natural waters.The HI 9819X systems may be used for discrete spot sampling with a meterand the meter’s log on demand function or, unattended with continuousmonitoring and logging from the meter. These data are then downloaded to ameter or PC and can be plotted with logging software to obtain the graphicallog needed for interpretation of the essential physical property of the aqueousbody of water.In all of these deployment situations data quality is dependent upon the sitelocation, service intervals, amount of coatings, sedimentation and vegetation,and the actual installation. The probe may be installed in a horizontal bank(fixed installation) or a vertical suspension. The maximum depth rating of 20 m(65’) for the probe should be adhered to. (Note: actual sensor specificationsmay be less). The location must be accessible for the duration of the measurement(consider seasonal flooding, freezing and other acts of nature) when selecting asite. Many conditions may affect the quality of measurements. Select aninstallation site that is representative of the water body being monitored. Avoidareas without adequate water circulation. To protect equipment it is best to avoidexposure to wind, foam, turbulence, air temperature gradients/sun, extendedperiods of high flow, extended periods of high sediment and floating debris. Thestandard operating procedures (SOP) for the data gathering must be upheld.This typically includes pre and post deployment checks of the sensors to validatedata gathered between calibrations, upholding service intervals, and followingany other site-specific procedures. Grab samples for laboratory analysis or spotsampling with another probe are addition ways to validate the measurementstaken by unattended continuous logs.The probe is suitable for installation in confined locations such as air vaults, riverintakes, vertical wells, tanks, etc.. The streamline diameter of the probe permitsinsertion into 2" pipelines. Unlike probes that require a cable support for activedeployments the probe can be manually lowered and raised by the cable due toit’s superior strength member.It is suitable for installation in open moving waters; rivers, streams, ditches(farmland drainage), conveyance canals, etc.. In these cases protecting the probefrom debris is important. If the probe is suspended from a pier or bridge positionit behind a support and anchor the cable/probe to a pipe.It is suitable for deployment in open waters; monitoring lakes, ponds, wetlandbasin, infiltration basins, bays. Schedule regular service to remove aquatic weedgrowth that may be interfering with representative water samples.D.O. Sensor Maintenance (only for HI 98194 and HI 98196)For a top performance probe, it is recommended to replace the membrane every2 months and the electrolyte monthly.Proceed as follows:• Unscrew the membrane by turning it counterclockwise.• Rinse a spare membrane with some electrolyte whileshaking it gently. Refill with clean electrolyte.• Gently tap the cap over a surface to ensure that no air bubbles remaintrapped. Avoid touching the membrane.• With the sensor facing down, completely screw the cap clockwise. Someelectrolyte will overflow.If any deposit scales the sensor, gently brush the sensor surface with the suppliedbrush, while paying attention to not damage the plastic body. Do not use the brushon the membrane.EC Sensor Maintenance (only for HI 98196 and HI 98195)• After every series of measurements, rinse the probe with tap water.• If a more thorough cleaning is required, clean the sensor with the suppliedbrush or a non-abrasive detergent. Ensure that the two cylindrical holes in thesensor are free of foreign material.