3535CE DECLARATION OF CONFORMITYCE DECLARATION OF CONFORMITYCE DECLARATION OF CONFORMITYCE DECLARATION OF CONFORMITYCE DECLARATION OF CONFORMITYRecommendations for UsersBefore using these products, make sure that they are entirely suitable for the environ-ment in which they are used.Operation of these instruments in residential area could cause unacceptable interfer-ences to radio and TV equipments, requiring the operator to take all necessary steps tocorrect interferences.Any variation introduced by the user to the supplied equipment may degrade theinstrument's EMC performance.To avoid electrical shock, do not use these instruments when voltages at the measure-ment surface exceed 24VAC or 60 VDC.To avoid damages or burns, do not perform any measurement in microwave ovens.HI 92701 HI 92704 HI 92801 HI 92804DECLARATION OF CONFORMITYWeHanna Instruments SrlV.le delle industrie 1235010 Ronchi di Villafranca (PD)ITALYherewith certify that the thermometershave been tested and found to be in compliance with the following regulations:IEC 801-2 Electrostatic DischargeIEC 801-3 RF RadiatedIEC 801-4 Fast TransientEN 55022 Radiated, Class BDate of Issue: 15-12-1995D.Volpato - Engineering ManagerOn behalf ofHanna Instruments S.r.l.Untitled-2736h t t p : / / w w w . h a n n a i n s t . c o mHANNA LITERATUREHANNA LITERATUREHANNA LITERATUREHANNA LITERATUREHANNA LITERATUREPRINTED IN ITALYLAB RECORDING WATER ANALYSIS HANDBOOKENVIROCARE GENERAL CATALOGThese and many others catalogs, handbooks and leaflets are avail-able from Hanna. To receive your free copy, contact your dealer or thenearest Hanna Customer Service Center.MANKPRNR306/98