18IMPORTANTThe instrument's pH range should be re-calibrated:••••• When the meter is new.••••• Whenever the pH electrode is replaced.••••• At least once a month.••••• After testing aggressive chemicals.••••• After cleaning procedure and changing the reference electrolyte.••••• For greatest accuracy.INITIAL PREPARATIONPour small quantities (about 4cm / 1½" as level) of pH7.01 (HI7007or HI8007) and pH4.01 (HI7004 or HI8004) or pH 10.01 (HI7010or HI8010) solution into clean beakers. If possible use plastic beakersto minimize any EMC interferences.If you are measuring in the acid range use pH4.01 as second buffer orpH 10.01 if you are measuring in the alkaline range.Note: with HI9017 and HI9318, different pH values can be selectedfor calibration purposes. See page 29 and 39 respectively.For accurate calibration, use two beakers for each buffer solution; thefirst for rinsing the electrode, the second for calibration. In this way,contamination of the buffer is minimized.PH CALIBRATION FOR HI 9017Procedure••••• Switch the instrument on after connecting thepH electrode and the temperature probe.PH CALIBRATIONPH CALIBRATIONPH CALIBRATIONPH CALIBRATIONPH CALIBRATIONHI 7004 HI 7007HI 7004HI 7007CALIBRATIONHI 7007RINSEON