54FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION HI 9161FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION HI 9161FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION HI 9161FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION HI 9161FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION HI 91611. Power Socket2. RH Probe Socket3. Temperature Socket4. UP (to set time, date and interval)5. DOWN (to set time, date and interval)6. PRINT (to obtain a printout of present time, RH andTemperature)7. LOG (to start recording mode)8. Liquid Crystal Display9. PAPER (to advance paper)10. ON/OFF (to switch the meter on/off or to leave the recordingmode)11. INTV (to set time, date and printing interval, press INTV +RANGE simultaneously)12. RANGE (to display RH or Temperature on the primary LCD)2MICROPROCESSOR PRINTINGTHERMOHYGROMETER%RH°CRANGE5.0-20.095.0+60.0ON/OFF PAPERINTV UP DOWNRANGE PRINT LOG3891011126754HI 9161C1For special applications, HI 70606/2 or HI 70606/5 RH probes canalso be used. These probes come with a sintered cap on the sensorshaft for protection in dusty or corrosive environments.An independent temperature probe provides highly accurate tem-perature readings.While in logging mode, HI 91610 stores the measurements intomemory at a user selected interval from 1 to 180 minutes. The datacan be retrieved at a later date for printing or can be transferred toa computer through the HI 9200 transmitter. The internal softwareallocates memory space to store up to 8000 measurements. HI 91610will transfer the data in seconds through the infrared lights with noneed for a cable between the transmitter and the meter.Two versions of each instrument are available:• HI 9161C, HI 9261C and HI 91610C are thermohygrometerswith temperature readings in Celsius;• HI 9161F, HI 9261F and HI 91610F are thermohygrometerswith temperature readings in Fahrenheit.