1312SHOCKPROOF RUBBER BOOTSThese rubber boots are specially made toprolong the life of your instruments and toprevent damage due to accidental falls.They and are available in two different col-ors:HI 710009 = blue coloredHI 710010 = orange coloredSelect the proper color according to yourpreference.CALIBRATIONAll Hanna Instruments thermometers havebeen accurately pre-calibrated at the fac-tory.It is generally recommended to have allthermometers recalibrated at least once ayear.For an accurate annual recalibration, con-tact your nearest Hanna Service Center.BATTERY REPLACEMENTWhen the battery is lowthe user is warned by the"BAT" indication on theinstrument's display. Re-place the battery immedi-ately.Battery should only be replaced in a safearea using the battery type specified in thisinstruction manual (see page 17).Remove the battery com-partment cover on the rearof the meter and replacethe 9V battery with a newone. Make sure the batterycontact is tight before re-placing the cover.The meter may turn on au-tomatically when a new bat-tery is connected. You canturn it off by pressingON/OFF.