USER MANUAL 15ENGLISH15Operating your Handicare stairliftFigure 21 Figure 22Emergency Stop button on stairlifts(E-stop button)All Handicare stairlifts include an emergencystop feature which is activated by a red ‘E-stop’button. This feature is designed for use inemergency situations when powered travel upor down the track and powered features needto stop immediately. This button is incorporatedinto the design of all Handicare stairlifts indifferent locations depending upon the model.It is usually located on the left or right sidebelow the seat.When operated, ‘E-stop’ will immediately disablethe stairlift preventing powered travel up or downthe track and powered features operating. Thebutton will remain locked in a compressed positionuntil it is unlocked. To unlock the E-stop button, itshould be twisted clockwise. The button will ‘pop’out and the stairlift will regain functionality.Please be aware that the button may sometimesbe activated by accident. Follow the simpleun-locking procedure to regain functionality.PLEASE NOTE:Location of the E-stop button varies dependingupon the stairlift seat design. For example:Figure 21 – Handicare Smart seat showingE-stop located on the side towards the rearof the seat.Figure 22 – Handicare 2000 Style seat showingE-stop located on the side towards the front ofthe seat.