27Subject to change without noticeRS232 Interface - Remote ControlThe oscilloscope is supplied with a serial interface forcontrol purposes. The interface connector (9 pole D- SUBfemale) is located on the rear of the instrument. Via thisbidirectional port, the instrument parameter settings canbe transmitted to a PC or received from a PC. Theattached disk contains example programs.The maximum connecting cable length must not exceed3 meters and must contain 9 lines connected 1:1.The pin connection of the RS232 interface (9 pole D-SUB female) is determined as follows:Pin2 Tx data (data from oscilloscope to external device)3 Rx data (data from external device to oscilloscope)5 Ground (reference potential - connected via theoscilloscope‘s power cord with protective earth)The maximum voltage swing at pin 2 resp. pin 3 is ± 12volt. The RS232 parameter are:N-8-2 ( no parity bit, 8 data bits, 2 stop bits, XON/XOFFprotocol)Baud-Rate SettingAfter the first POWER UP ( switching on of theoscilloscope ) and the first command CR (0D hex) sentfrom the PC, the baud rate is recognized and setautomatically between 110 baud and 19200 baud. Thenthe oscilloscope transmits the RETURNCODE: 0 CR LFto the PC. The oscilloscope is then switched over toREMOTE control mode. In this status all settings (withthe exception of INTENS, FOCUS, TR and CALfrequency) can be controlled by the PC only.The only ways to quit this status are:• Switching the oscilloscope off,• depressing the AUTO SET ( LOCAL ) pushbutton ortransmitting the command• RM= 0 from the PC to the oscilloscope.If at the beginning no CR command is recognizable, theoscilloscope pulls the TxD line low for approx. 0.2msand causes a break on the PC.Data CommunicationAfter successfully being set to remote control mode,the oscilloscope is prepared for command reception. Thefollowing commands are available:Query ? asks for parameterAllocation = sets parameterStatus : declares actual parameterBinary data [ b ] data field consists of 1 byte binary dataASCII data [ a ] data field consists of ASCII dataASCII number [ n ] integer ASCII parameterBinary data [ array ] data field consists of binary dataTerminator ( CR LF) carriage return and/or line feedReturn code [ R ] ASCII parameterCommand definitionKommand: Rückgabe BeschreibungPC→→→→→Scope Scope→→→→→PCID? ID:Daten(CR LF) data consits of: instrumenttype, manufacturer(CR) [R](CR LF) remote status and baud rateacceptanceTRSTA? TRSTA:[b](CR LF) query for trigger status (data bit 0)TRSTA=[b] [R](CR LF) reset TriggerRM? RM: [a](CR LF) query for remote statusRM=[a](CR LF) [R](CR LF) change remote statusLK? LK=[a](CR LF) interlock request: LK:1 → locked0 → unlockedLK=[a](CR LF) [R](CR LF) interlock setting for LOCAL(Auto Set) pushbuttonVER? VER:[a](CR LF) query for software versionHELP? HELP: [a](CR LF) query for command listingDDF? DDF:[array] query for instrument data fieldDDF=[array] [R](CR LF) transmits new data field to thescopeSAVEDF=[n] [R](CR LF) stores instrument data field ininstrument memory n (1-6)RECDF=[nl [R](CR LF) recalls instrument data fieldfrom instrument memory n (1-6)POSY 1? POSY1: [b] query for CH I position settingPOSY1=[b] [R](CR LF) sets CH I Y-positionPOSY2? POSY1: [b] query for CH II position settingPOSY2=[b] [R](CR LF) sets CH II Y-positionVARY1? VARY1: [b] query for CH I VAR 2.5:1 settingVARY1=[b] [R](CR LF) sets CH I VAR 2.5:1VARY2? VARY2: [b] query for CH II VAR 2.5:1 settingVARY2=[b] [R](CR LF) sets CH II VAR 2.5:1VARTBA VARTBV[b] query TB1 TIME-VARVARTB1=[b] [R](CR LF) sets TBI TIME-VARTRLEV? TRLEV:[b] query for Trigger-LevelTRLEV=[b] [R](CR LF) sets Trigger-LevelXPOS? XPOS:[b] query X-PositionXPOS=[b] [R](CR LF) sets X-PositionCH1? CH1:[b] query CH I settings (deflectioncoefficient, INV, GD, AC/DC)CH1=[b] [R](CR LF) sets CH I (deflectioncoefficient, INV, GD, AC/DC)CH2? CH1:[b] query CH II settings (deflectioncoefficient, INV, GD, AC/DC)CH2=[b] [R](CR LF) sets CH II (deflectioncoefficient, INV, GD, AC/DC)MODE? MODE:[b] query for oscilloscope modesetting (Yt, XY, COMP. TESTER)MODE=[b] 1[R](CR LF) sets oscilloscope mode (Yt, XY,COMP. TESTER)TB1? TB1: [b] query for timebase settingTB1=[b] [R](CR LF) set timebaseTB2? TB2:[b] query for timebase setting inDELand DTR modeTB2=[b] [R](CR LF) set timebase in DEL and DTR modeTRIG? TRIG: [b] query for trigger parameterTRIG=[b] [R](CR LF) set trigger parameterTRVAL TRVAL: [array] query for signal amplitude attrigger amplifier output,INTEGER1st word = positive peak value2nd word = negative peak value3rd word = peak to peak value3rd word = peak to peak value4th word = reference potentialfor positive and negative peakvaluesRating: approx. 20mV/LSB and250mV/div.Command Chart:Commands cause the instrument to reply with parameter ora RETURN CODE transmission. You must then wait for theend of transmission before the next command is sent from