ilakladicasagyarps essuomSafety PrecautionsTo avoid personal injury, do not putunstable materials on the refrigerator,such as heavy containers full ofwater. To prevent spills that coulddamage the electrical workings of theunit, do not rest water containers onthe refrigerator.Do not play or hang on the bottle binor drawers on the inside of the doors.This may damage the bottle bin anddrawers or lead to them falling offthe refrigerator and causing personalinjury. Do not step on the convertibledrawer while adding or removing foodfrom the main compartments.To prevent frostbite, while therefrigerator is in operation, donot touch the frozen surface ofthe freezer(s), especially withwet hands.The gaps between doors andcabinets are small. Please do notput your finger in these gaps. Keepchildren away from the refrigeratorwhile opening or closing therefrigerator door.Do not spray or rinse the refrigerator,and do not put the refrigerator in ahumid environment. This will preventdamage to the electrical insulation andperformance of the refrigerator fromwater exposure.Dismantling or modifying therefrigerator is prohibited. Damageto the cooling piping is also notallowed. Any repair work mustbe done by a service engineeror technician.To avoid broken glass, do not putbottled beer or soft drinks in thefreezer. You also must not put thesebeverages in the convertible drawerwhen it is set to freezer.During a power failure or whencleaning, pull out the plug. You mustwait at least 5 minutes before puttingthe plug back in, otherwise it maycause compressor start-up damage.After the refrigerator is no longerin use, take off the doors, thegaskets, and the shelves, andplace them in a safe place. Thisavoids the danger of childrenplaying in and getting caught in thediscarded refrigerator.Never put flammable, explosive,dangerous items, or highly corrosiveacid and alkali in the refrigerator.Drugs, vaccines, and chemicalreagents must not be put in refrigerator.This refrigerator is for household useonly. It cannot store temperature-sensitive materials.Do not store or use gasolineor other flammable substancesnear the refrigerator to avoidfire hazard.2