MENUCC Mode CC OffBasic Selection CC1Advanced Selection ServicelOption1. PICTURE MENU3. TIMER MENUIn this menu,you can adjust the picture options here,such as contrast, brightness, etc.Press to select, press OK to adjust.1.1 AdvancedWhen a PC is connected, you can adjust the PC advanced settings.1). H-Pos: Adjust the horizontal position of the screen.2). V-Pos: Adjust the vertical position of the screen.3). Clock: Fine tune the screen width.4). Phase: Fine tune the phase of the screen. Usually you don't adjust thisitem.5). Auto: Auto adjust to fit the screen.Note:1). If you want to adjust contrast, brightness, color, and sharpness, the picture modemust be set to personal.2). This will increase or decrease Warm (red) and Cool (blue) colors to suit yourpersonal preference.Select Cool to give the white colors a blue tint, Normal to give the white colors aneutral tint, Warm to give the white colors a red tint.Standard mode is the default setting, if you select some other options, the powerconsumption may change.2.AUDIO menuIn this menu, you can ajust the sound options here.Press to select, press OK to adjust.In this menu, you can adjust the sleep timer, time zone, etc. Press toselect,press OK to adjust.Note:1). Time zone, DST (Daylight Saving Time) and the clock are available inATSC mode only, and the Clock can't be adjusted.4.OPTION menuIn this menu, you can adjust the Menu language, Closed Caption, RestoreDefault etc.Press to select, press OK to adjust.4.1 Closed CaptionTime Zone PacificDST OffTime Format 12-hourClock ----/--/-- --Sleep Timer Off< Time<Audio Language EnglishDigital Output PCMSurround Sound OffAuto Volume OffSound Mode Standard< Audio<Transparent 25%Closed CaptionRestore DefaultMenu Language English< Option<Note:1).2).Audio language is available in ATSC/TVmode only.Auto volume is available only when the input signal volume is toolarge or there is distortion.MENUAdvancedH-PosH-PosClockPhaseAutoColor Temperature NormalAspect Ratio FillNoise Reduction MiddlePicture Mode Standard< >PictureVGA Setting8. Measurements and AdjustmentsService ManualModel No.:- 32-