Process washing1.Put into the laundry and detergent, then fill thewater needed.Install the water inlet hoseInsert the water inlet hose into the water-fillingentrance on the control panel.The appliance is to be connected to the watermains using new hose-set and old hose-setshould not be reused.Water inlet hoseWater-fillingentrance2.Close the top lid3.Connect the power lineConfirm that the washing machine isearthed reliably. Then insert the powerplug into the receptacle. Do not connectthe earth terminal to the gas pipe andtap water pipe.1.Confirm that the drain hose is properlyhanged before fill water, or the water willflow through the drain hose.2.Inside the washing machine tubbiness, It bemarker reference water line"1" "2" "3"andthe top water line"MAX".Not to a certaintyover the mark"MAX".NOTE7