Adjusting the feetAdjust all feets to achieve a complete level position.This willminimize vibrations and thus noise during use. It will alsoreduce wear and tear.We recommend to use a spirit levelfor adjustment. Floor should be as stable and flat as possi-ble.24 InstallationDrain hoseDrainage could be installed in different ways. Nevertheless,level of drain hose has to reach at one point 80-100 cm.Do not twist, kink or jam the drain hose. If possible keepalways drain hose fixed to the clip at the appliance back.1. Drain hose to sinkUse the drain hose bracket to keep drain hose endretained and out of any water level.Fix the bracket sufficiently to avoid dropping downdue to operational movements.2. Drain hose to sink connectionThe connection to the spigot of the water trap asseblybelow the sink must be secure. Ensure a properheight above ground to avoid drainage problems orself-syphoning.80 - 100 cm3. Drain hose to waste water connectionUse the drain hose bracket to keep drain hose endretained.Fix the bracket sufficiently to avoid dropping down dueto operational movements.Warning!The drain hose should not be submerged in water and should besecurely fixed and leak-free. If the drain hose is placed on theground or if the pipe is at a height of less than 80cm, the washingmachine will continuously drain while being filled (self-siphoning).Drain hose is not to be extended. If necessary contact after salesservice.