Primary featuresEfficient ice makingUnique chiller compartment designAutomatic defrostingUnique external layoutRefrigerator air curtain cooling designMultiple venting system for efficient cooling achievementsSeparate control for refrigerating and freezing storageOn the top of the refrigerator compartment is a chiller drawerdesigned for convenient access.This appliance features air-cooling system for automaticdefrosting.Unique designs of streamline and curve refrigerator doors withreverse C shaped handle.Air curtain surround cooling adjusting refrigerator temperature(difference within 2 ).Multiple vents are designed in the air circulation channels forefficient distribution of coldness in each compartment.The refrigerating and freezing compartments are controlledseparately to optimize cooling efficiency and economicoperation.A semi-automatic icemaker is installed in the freezercompartment and ice cubes can be made efficiently.