10PreparationPreparationPreparationPreparationPreparationiÉÑíLoáÖÜí=aççê=léÉåáåÖiÉÑíLoáÖÜí=aççê=léÉåáåÖiÉÑíLoáÖÜí=aççê=léÉåáåÖiÉÑíLoáÖÜí=aççê=léÉåáåÖiÉÑíLoáÖÜí=aççê=léÉåáåÖThe door of the refrigerator can be opened both from the left orright as required. The following are the steps required toposition the door to open to the right.1. Firmly hold the refrigerator door and remove thescrews from the right lower hinge. Remove the doorand place aside. Remove the lower pivot pin andinstall it in the left lower hinge hole.2. Remove the middle hinge and the washer on themiddle connection and then remove the door. Put thedoor aside.3. Remove Both of the top hinge covers and the hingescrews. Install the right upper hinge cover (supplied).4. Fix the left upper hinge to the left side and then theleft upper hinge cover.5. Mount the refrigerator door to the left of the housingwith the middle hinge connected.6. Mount the refrigerator door with the top left hole onthe down pivot pin of the middle hinge.7. After installation, open and close the door severaltimes and tighten the hinge screws when the dooroperates normallyMake sure the door seals with the cavity all thewayaround both doors4. Fit the left hand top hinge and the left hand hingecover (supplied)10Lower hingeLower pivot pinLower pivot pin holePivot pin holeMiddle pivot pinWasherMiddle hingeHole stoppersMiddle pivot pinWasherMiddle hingeLower hingeLower pivot pinUpper hingeHinge cover