0:49Note :" " indicates that softener or bleacher can be added if needed;" ƾ " indicates that detergent must be added;" X " indicates that detergent must not be added.1:250:290:11Heavy andthick fabrics0:322:261:410:580-600-60Mode SelectionButton Position ProgramRecommendedLaundrySelectableTemperatureProgram Time(At MaxTemperature)CottonSyntheticDelicate/SuperQuickWashSingleWashProgramIntenseNormalColouredDelicateRinseSpinWhite fabricsFast-color andmedium soilfabricsFast-colorand heavy-soil fabricsWool and silkMedium-soilcotton &syntheticsDetergent1 2 3ƾƾƾƾƾƾ0:46Wool Wool ƾProgram Description TablePreparation1.Power supplyPlug in the power supply 220-V~ 50HZ2.Water supplyTurn on the tap ensure that the water in clear.Caution:Before staring the washing machine turn on the waterfaucet to ensure the water faucet and the water inlet hose areconnected correctly and do not leak4.Detergent selectionOnly special low foam detergent shouldbe used in automatic drum washingmashine,form blended or wool fabricsspecial deter-gent should ne used.dryclearning solvent should not be usedsuch as trichhloroethy-lene or alike(caution :load the required amount ofdetergent only).3.Laundry treatmentSort out clothes according to type and extent of dirt.There arethree types of clothes:cotton,synthetical and woolen (silk) fabrics.Separate white clothes from colored.If whites and coloredsare combimed for one load,make sure the coloreds are colorfast-Clothing with frayed edges or yams should be put in a washbag or special bag before washing-repair damged clothing,lose buttons or damaged zipsand hooks before washing.-Bed sheets and table ware should be loosely loaded and notfolded.This washing mashine is for househould use and designedfor mechanically washable clothes.When washing,separateunwashable clothes with reference to clothes labels." " indicates that if pre-wash is selected,detergent must be added.0-40ć0-40ć0-40ć0-90ć0-90ćQuick/29minSynthetic