English21General Cleaning and Maintenance:• Do not use abrasive, harsh cleaners, solvents, concentrated detergents or metalscouring pads to clean the inside of dishwasher.• Use warm soapy water with a soft brush or a piece of cloth to clean the interiorof a tub.• Clean around the tub gasket with a damp cloth.• When cleaning the control panel, use a slightly dampened cloth to wipe. Then drythoroughly.• When cleaning the exterior cabinet, use slightly soapy water with a soft piece ofcloth.• Do not use any sharp objects that can scratch the cabinet surface.Cleaning Dishwasher Filters:• We recommend that you wash and clean all three filters gently in hot, soapywater and rinse them thoroughly periodically to clean soil and chemical build upon the filters.• The filters are located inside the dishwasher at the bottom in the front belowthe lower rack.• After a wash and dry cycle is finished, you must wait few minutes until thedishwasher is completely cooled off in order to remove the filters to clean.• Remove the lower rack first in order to take the filter out.• Remove and clean any residue off the filters with soap and water; then wipe themoff with a soft piece of cloth.• After you finish cleaning the filters, place them back to their original position inthe dishwasher.Preventing Your Dishwasher from Freezing:You must protect your dishwasher if it is left in an unheated place during the winter.• You must cut off electrical power to the dishwasher.• You must turn off the water supply and disconnect the water inlet line from thewater valve.• You must drain water from the water inlet into the sink or pan.• Do not install or operate your dishwasher where the temperatureis below freezing.• If you receive a delivery of a dishwasher when the outside temperature is belowfreezing, do not operate it until the dishwasher has warmed to room temperature.Storage of Your Dishwasher in a Cold Environment:• You must store the dishwasher at room temperature.Care & Cleaning of your Dishwasher