15EnglishTips for Cleaning Beer GlassesFor the freshest flavor, it is important to serve beer in clean glasses. For yourconvenience, the following tips explain how to properly clean beer glasses beforeserving beer.• Do not wash beer glasses together with glasses that have contained milk orany other fatty substance.• An excessive amount of germicide build-up will also leave a fatty film on theglasses, which may cause flat beer.• Wash glasses thoroughly with a good detergent to remove all fatty substances(i.e. lipstick).• Do not use soap.• Do not wipe glasses dry. Allow glasses to air-dry by placing them on a wirerack or on corrugated metal.• Rinse in fresh cold water just before serving beer. It is best to serve beer in awet glass.Two Simple Tests for Clean Beer Glasses1. Wash the glasses using your usual method. Immerse the glass heel first inclean water. Empty the glass. If water droplets cling to the glass or if spotsappear on the glass while pouring, the glass has not been cleaned properly.A clean glass should air-dry crystal clear.2. Again, wash the glass using your usual method. Pour out the water and thenshake salt into the wet glass. If salt does not cling to the entire inside wall ofthe glass and clear unsalted spots remain, the glass is not clean.