10Defrosting Your Entertainment CenterYour entertainment center is designed with an “Auto-Cycle” defrost system. Theentertainment center surfaces of the unit will defrost automatically, during the“off” cycle of the cold control. Water from the unit is disposed of automatically,by means of being channeled onto a drip tray located on the compressor. Heattransfer from the compressor causes this water to evaporate.NNOOTTEE:: DDoo nnoott uussee bbooiilliinngg wwaatteerr bbeeccaauussee iitt mmaayy ddaammaaggee tthhee ppllaassttiiccppaarrttss.. IInn aaddddiittiioonn,, nneevveerr uussee aa sshhaarrpp oorr mmeettaalllliicc iinnssttrruummeennttttoo rreemmoovvee ffrroosstt aass iitt mmaayy ddaammaaggee tthhee ccoooolliinngg ccooiillss..Power Interruptions• Occasionally there may be power interruptions due to thunderstorms or othercauses. Remove the power cord from AC outlet when a power outage occurs.When power has been restored, replug power cord to AC outlet.Vacation and Moving Care• For long vacations or absences, empty contents from entertainment center,move the temperature DIAL to the OFF position and clean the entertainmentcenter and door gaskets according to "General cleaning" section. Prop doorsopen, so air can circulate inside.When moving always move the entertainmentcenter vertically. Do not move with the unit lying down. Possible damage to thesealed system could occur.English