8EnglishLOADING SUGGESTIONStRemove and scrape leftover food, bones, toothpicks and other hard items fromthe dishes To conserve water and energy and save time, it is not necessaryto rinse dishes before putting them into the dishwasher. The wash system isdesigned to remove food particles from the water. The wash system includes achopping device which will reduce size of food items.NOTE: If hard items such as fruit seeds, nuts, and eggshells enter the washmodule, you might hear chopping, grinding, crunching, or buzzingsounds. These sounds are normal when hard items enter the module.Do not let metallic items (such as pot handle screws) get into thewash module. Damage can occur.t*UJTJNQPSUBOUGPSUIFXBUFSTQSBZUPSFBDIBMMTPJMFETVSGBDFTt-PBEEJTIFTTPUIFZBSFOPUTUBDLFEPSPWFSMBQQJOHJGQPTTJCMF'PSCFTUESZJOHresults, water must be able to drain from all surfaces.t-PBEIFBWZQPUTBOEQBOTDBSFGVMMZ)FBWZJUFNTDBOEFOUUIFTUBJOMFTTTUFFMinterior of the door if they are dropped or bumped.t.BLFTVSFQPUMJETBOEIBOEMFT QJ[[BQBOT DPPLJFTIFFUT FUD EPOPUinterfere with the spray arm rotation.t$POTFSWFXBUFS FOFSHZBOETBWFUJNFTQFOUIBOESJOTJOHCZSVOOJOHBSJOTFcycle to keep dishes moist if you do not plan to wash them in the near future.Foods such as eggs, rice, pasta, spinach and cooked cereals may be hard toremove if they are left to dry over a period of time.QUIET OPERATING TIPSTo avoid thumping/clattering noises during operation:t.BLFTVSFMJHIUXFJHIUMPBEJUFNTBSFTFDVSFEJOUIFSBDLTt.BLFTVSFQPUMJETBOEIBOEMFT QJ[[BQBOT DPPLJFTIFFUT FUD EPOPUUPVDIinterior walls or interfere with the rotation of the spray arm.t-PBEEJTIFTTPUIFZEPOPUUPVDIPOFBOPUIFSNOTE: Keep sink drain plugs closed during dishwasher operation to preventnoise transfer through drains.Dishwasher Loading