1 Preparation before washingPreparation before washing1.Connect the water inlet hose. Openthe water faucet.2.Confirm that the washing machine isearthed reliably. Then insert thepower plug into the receptacle. Theearth terminal shall not link to gaspipeline and faucet water pipeline.3.Put down the drain hose.Pay attention to followings before washing the laundriesCheck ifthe laundrieshas specialrequirementon washingClear thepocket. Takeout the coins,sand, hairpinsetc.Tie the longstrips; fastenthe buttons;close zippers.When the pulsatoris running , thebuttons of thelaundries maycause noise. Forthe sake ofdiscretion, pleaseput the laundrieswith buttons intoother laundries.The quantity ofthe laundriesshall not be toolarge. Stretchand loosen thelaundries beforeputting them inthe tub.a. Check if the laundries are applicable for washing with machine.b. Divide the laundries that are not colorfast from other laundries.c. Put those laundries difficult to absorb water into water with hand.d. For those laundries with heavy soil, please first remove the dirt likemud or dust. For the parts with heavy soil, please apply detergent onthem in advance, which can make it easier to remove the soil.e. For those laundries that may get lint ball and those with long fur, turnit over before putting in.f. Do not put those laundries polluted by chemicals into the washingmachine directly.