TROUBLE‐SHOOTINGBefore calling for service, please read the following troubleshooting table first. This can save bothyour time and money. The table contains common problems except those caused by defects inworkmanship or material of the refrigerator.Problem Cause SolutionRefrigerator OperationThecompressordoes not work8 The refrigerator is in thedefrosting cycle.8 The refrigerator is not pluggedinto a power outlet.8 The refrigerator is turned OFF.9 This is normal for anautomatic defrostingrefrigerator.9 Verify the plug is plugged inthe socket firmly.9 Press the “Power” button for3 seconds or more to restartthe refrigerator or turn theknob from OFF totemperature selectionposition.Therefrigeratorruns frequentlyor runs for toolong period8 The indoor or outdoortemperature is high.8 The refrigerator has beenpowered off for a period oftime.8 The automatic icemaker isoperating.8 The door is opened toofrequently or for long period.8 The door of the fridge/freezerstorage compartment is nottightly closed.8 The temperature setting forthe freezer storagecompartment is too low.8 The door gasket of thefridge/freezer storagecompartment is dirty, worn,cracked or mismatched.8 The condenser is dirty.9 In this case, it is normal forthe refrigerator to run longer.9 Normally, it takes 8 to 12hours for the refrigerator tototally cool down.9 Ice‐making process makes therefrigerator to run longer.9 Warm air enters therefrigerator and causes it tostart frequently. Please do notopen the door too frequently.9 Ensure the refrigerator islocated on a level ground andthere is no food or containerjarring the door. See“door/draweropening/closing” in section“Problem”9 Set the temperature higheruntil a satisfactory refrigeratortemperature is obtained. Ittakes 24 hours for therefrigerator temperature tobecome stable.9 Clean or replace the doorgasket. A leakage gap of doorgasket can cause a longerrunning time of therefrigerator in order tomaintain desiredtemperature.9 Clean the condenser.22