11Check shipping carton and machine for damage beforeunpackaging. Carefully remove packaging materials,parts and machine from shipping carton. Always checkfor and remove protective shipping materials aroundmotors and moving parts. Lay out all parts on a cleanwork surface.Remove any protective materials and coatings from allof the parts and the planer. The protective coatingscan be removed by spraying WD-40 on them and wip-ing it off with a soft cloth. This may need to be redoneseveral times before all of the protective coatings areremoved completely.UNPACKING & INVENTORYAfter cleaning, apply a good quality paste wax to anyunpainted surfaces. Make sure to buff out the waxbefore assembly.Compare the items to inventory figures; verify that allitems are accounted for before discarding the shippingbox.If any parts are missing, do not attempt to plug in thepower cord and turn “ON” the machine. The machineshould only be turned “ON” after all the parts have beenobtained and installed correctly.WARNING!A. HandleB. Dust PortC. Hex Soc Head ScrewEFGDCBAwww.machineryhouse.com.auwww.machineryhouse.co.nz11/9/19D. Hex Soc head Cap ScrewE. Torx WrenchF. Hex WrenchG. Knife Removal Tool Assy