9General informationmetals, such as aluminium, iron, manganese, strontium and zinc, and by hydrogen ions.Because, all but the first two are usually present in insignificant concentrations in naturalwaters, hardness is defined as a characteristic of water, which represents the totalconcentration of just the calcium and the magnesium ions expressed as calciumcarbonate.The TitraLab Total Hardness system can be used for the determination of sum of calciumand magnesium in multiple types of waters: industrial, boilers, ground, surface, drinkingwaters, etc. The system is not intended for effluents and waters having a highconcentration of salts. The lowest concentration that can be determined is 6 ppmCaCO3 mg/L, for lower concentrations refer to Factor entry at 4.3 Menu structure,page 24.TitraLab features an RS 232 C interface to enable communication with a computer orprinter. Another port enables a mouse (optional) to be connected to perform all thefunctions of "OK". A convenient titration stand is also integrated and equipped withstirrers; and pump integrated with the titrator add the reagent.2.3 Front and back viewFigure 1 Front view1 TitraLab Total Hardness system 6 Titration stand with magnetic stirrer2 Keypad 7 Titration cell3 Display 8 Syringe cover4 Auxiliary reagent 9 Burette5 Titrant