Using Your Steam Vacuum 877-HAAN DIRECT / 877-422-6347 pg 9Before using your Steam Vacuum Cleaner• Be sure to read ALL instructions and warningsbefore using your HAAN Steam Vacuum Cleaner.• Your SV-60 Steam Vacuum is designed to cleanhard floor surfaces that will withstand highheat. DO NOT use on unsealed wood or unglazedceramic floors. On surfaces that have been treatedwith wax or some no-wax floors, the sheen maybe removed by the heat and steam action. It isalways recommended to test an isolated area ofthe surface to be cleaned before proceeding. Wealso recommend that you check the use and careinstructions from the floor manufacturer.NOTE: After each use, completely empty anyremaining water from the internal tank. Cool theSV-60 Steam Vacuum for at least 30 minutes afteruse. Water can be emptied by removing the tankand emptying the excess water into the sink.• Remove all parts from package and assemble theunit as described on page 8.using Your Steam Vacuum Cleaner:Vacuum Only Function:1) Plug your unit into a grounded receptacle. ThePOWER light will light up RED to indicate thatthe power is ON. (Fig 1)2) Press the VACUUM button on the center controlto start the vacuum function. The VACUUM lightwill light up GREEN and the unit will begin tovacuum. (Fig 2)3) Move the unit back and forth over the area to bevacuumed and continue until the area is clean.Operating Instructions:Fig 1!icautIOnThe SV-60 emits steam at212°F to sanitize the areaof use. This means that thesteam head, tray and padsget very hot during use. Careshould be taken when usingthis appliance and DO NOTtouch those areas duringuse except in the approvedmanner as outlined in thismanual.Use a grounded receptacle.Use only a heavy dutyextension cord rated for 15amps minimum – DO NOTuse an ordinary extensioncord. To provide continuedprotection against the risk ofelectric shock, connect to aproperly grounded outlet only.!icautIOnImPOrtantThis product is NOT forspace heating purposes.Always be sure that yourSteam Vacuumis UN-PLUGGED from the wallreceptacle prior to fillingthe water tank.Fig 1-800-934-9194