The tg3 driver that is provided with the standard RHEL 3 WS Update 5 does not support theBCM5752 LAN-on-Motherboard for the HP xw4300 Workstation.There are 4 ways to enable the xw4300 BCM5752 LAN-on-Motherboard with RHEL 3 WS U5 withkernel 2.4.21-32.Select one of the following:1. If the workstation was ordered with RHEL 3 WS Update5 preloaded, then support for thisBCM5752 LAN-on-Motherboard has already been enabled. Verify that the RPM is installedusingthe command 'rpm -qa | grep tg3'.2. As part of the HPIKL for RHEL 3 WS Update5, HP has provided a Red Hat Driver Disk that canbe used at the time of install to load a tg3 driver that will enable network installs as well asenable networking after the install has completed. For instructions on how to install the tg3driver from this CD, please refer to the documentation at Select the chapter “Installing with the HPInstaller Kit for Linux” and search for “Red Hat Driver Disk”.3. As part of the HP Driver CD, which is also part of the HPIKL for RHEL 3 WS Update5, HP hasprovided tg3-2.4.21-32-1-0.i386.rpm, tg3-2.4.21-132-1-0.x86_64.rpm, and tg3-2.4.21-32-1-0.src.rpm. Therefore, if you did not use the Red Hat Driver Disk during the install process, youcan add support in your 2.4.21-32 kernel for the BCM5752 LAN-on-Motherboard byinstalling this RPM. To install it:Mount the HP Driver Cd under /mnt/cdromcd /mnt/cdrom/HP/RPMS/{arch}rpm -ivh tg3-2.4.21-32-1-0.{arch}.rpmWhere {arch} is i386 if you are installing on RHEL 3 WS Update5 x86, and x86_64 if you areinstalling on RHEL 3 WS Update5 AMD64/EM64T. Once the rpm is installed, an additional step isrequired to reset the LAN.a. Configure your network with 'setup'.Execute: 'shutdown -h 0'.Remove the power cord for at least 15 seconds.Replace the power cord and restart the machine.As the system restarts, you should see “Bringing up eth0 [OK]”.Go to and select the product name “HP Workstationxw4300”, then click on the “download drivers and software” link. Download the “HP Installer Kit forLinux - Red Hat Driver Disk for Red Hat Enterprise” rev “Update5” and follow the instructions to installthe RPM.NOTE: If you update/re-build your kernel such that you are no longer running the 2.4.21-32 kernel,you will find that your BCM5752 LAN-on-Motherboard is no longer functional. To resolve this, youwill need to either go to Red Hat Network to get the RHEL 3 WS Update 6 kernel SRPM or get thesource tar from the tg3-2.4.21-32-1-0.src.rpm and include these files in any kernel build that you planto do.19