WHITE PAPER5981-4260EN................................................................................................................................................................January 2003Prepared bySmart Handheld GroupHewlett-PackardCompanyC O N T E N T Sintroduction .....................3MicrosoftActiveSync backup...........3MicrosoftActiveSync restore...........6iPAQ h3800 seriesbackup utility ................. 10BACKUP ............................ 10RESTORE .......................... 12PERMANENT PIM ................ 14backing up your PIM data..........14restoring your PIM data .............15permanently removing PIM data16iPAQ h3900 seriesbackup program ............. 17MANUAL BACKUP ................. 17SCHEDULED BACKUP ........... 21RESTORE .......................... 22PERMANENT PIM ................ 26backing up your PIM data..........26restoring your PIM data .............27permanently removing PIM data28iPAQ h5400 seriesbackup utility ................. 29MANUAL BACKUP ................. 29SCHEDULED BACKUP ........... 33RESTORE .......................... 34PERMANENT PIM ................ 38backing up your PIM data..........38restoring your PIM data .............39permanently removing PIM data40I PAQ H 1910 SERIESBACKUP UTILITY ................. 41summary ........................ 41backup and restore applications for theiPAQ Pocket PC h3800, h3900, h5400, andh1910 seriesWith so much more information being accumulated on our networks, computers, anddevices, such as handhelds, the importance of backing up our data has become just assignificant. Whether for legal purposes or in case of system failures, backups of ourcomputer devices serve the purpose of retaining our information for future use. Not onlyis a solid process for backing up our data important, but also a sound restore process isalso vital for maintaining the integrity of the information.This white paper describes the backup and restore applications available with the iPAQPocket PCs h3800, h3900, h5400, and h1910Series. The tools used to perform thebackups and restores differ slightly, but all serve the same purpose of safeguarding yourdata.1