Troubleshooting53HP StorageWorks 3800ux/7100ux Optical Jukebox User’s Guide■ Check that the application softwareis compatible with the jukebox.■ Check that the device is present onthe system using HP StorageWorksLibrary & Tape Tools, available from■ Power cycle the jukebox and powerdown the host. Wait until thejukebox completes its power cyclebefore powering up the host.The power-on selftest failed andDEVICE FAILED displays■ Power cycle the jukebox.■ If the power-on test continues to fail,press ENTER, write down thedisplayed error code and a micromove error, and contact yoursupport representative.Power to the jukebox failed while a diskwas in the drive and the display did notreturn to READY after the power cameback on■ Power cycle the jukebox.■ If READY does not display(power-on test is unsuccessful),switch off the power and contactyour support representative.Caution: Do not move the unit!Moving the unit risks damagingthe optical drive.No display messages appear ■ Ensure that the power cord isconnected.■ Ensure that the power switch is on.■ Power cycle the jukebox.Table 9: Troubleshooting installation (Continued)Problem Solution