Navigation44 HP StorageWorks 1000ux/1900ux/2300ux Optical Jukebox User’s GuideRunning an internal testREADY > ADMIN* >TEST*This section describes self-diagnostic tests that are available on the jukebox.Caution: Diagnostic tests should be run only by an authorized servicerepresentative. Descriptions of the self-diagnostic tests are included in thismanualfor information purposes only. If not properly completed, some of theinternal diagnostic tests can corrupt your file system. In some rare instances,your service representative may request that you run specific tests to provideinformation before they come to your site, or you may receive a control panelmessage to run a specific test.1. With READY displaying on the control panel, press NEXT until ADMIN*displays.2. Enter the administration password (see “Entering the administration menupassword” on page 44).3. TEST* displays. Press ENTER.4. Press NEXT until the name of the test you want to run displays and then pressENTER to start the test.— *MICROMOVE 6#Sixth jukebox micro-move for the original movecommand issued prior to the failure. (This is thelast to be logged.)■ *MICROMOVE ER # Micro-move error that occurred.■ TOP or BOTTOMPICKERDisplays either TOP or BOTTOM indicatingwhich side of the disk transport mechanism wasactive at the time of the error.■ NORTH or SOUTHTHUMBDisplays either NORTH or SOUTH indicatingwhich thumb on the transport mechanism wasactive at the time of the error.Table 6: Information logs (Continued)Log name Description