DescriptionLog fileslogand the redirected location is\hp\log\.•For Linux components, the default location is/var/hp/log/and the redirected location is/hp/log/.Sets the verbosity level for the HP SUM execution log file,hpsum_execution_log__. It/v[erbose]or/veryv[erbose]increases the level of detail that is retained in the log file.The default value is normal verbosity.DescriptionGenerating reportsGenerates a report listing of the target summary anddescribes how the components in the repository affect the/reporttarget; for example, whether each component applies tothe target. The report is generated in HTML and XML withfile name formats ofHPSUM_Report__andHPSUM_Report__By default, the files are located in the present workingdirectory where HP SUM is initiated. If that location iswrite-protected, you can find the files in the same directoryas the HP SUM log files.Generates a report listing of the components in thespecified repository. The report is generated in HTML and/inventory_reportXML with file name formats ofHPSUM_Inventory_Report__andHPSUM_Inventory_Report__.By default, the report is located in the present workingdirectory where HP SUM is initiated. If that location iswrite-protected, you can find the report in the samedirectory as the HP SUM log files.Generates a report listing of the firmware installed anddetails of the target. The report is generated in HTML and/firmware_reportXML with file names ofHPSUM_Firmware_Report.htmlandfwreport.xmlin the directory namedHPSUM_Firmware_Report__.By default, the report is located in the present workingdirectory where HP SUM is initiated. If that location iswrite-protected, you can find the report in the samedirectory as the HP SUM log files.DescriptionUsing input filesEnables you to script the deployment of firmware andsoftware to multiple remote systems at one time. For moreinformation, see “Input files” (page 43)./inputfile“filename”Enables you to instruct HP SUM to delete the input file afterit has been read./deleteinputfileDescriptionSuperdome 2 server commandsDetermines which Superdome 2 firmware is updated. Youcan chooseALL,COMPLEX, orPARTITIONS. The defaultselection isALL./update_typeCommand-line interface39