IP Routing FeaturesConfiguring OSPFTo configure the virtual link on Routing Switch-C, enter the followingcommands:HPswitch(ospf)# area 1 virtual-link write memorySyntax: area | virtual-link The area < ip-addr > | < num > parameter specifies the transit area.The parameter specifies the router ID of the OSPF router at theremote end of the virtual link. To display the router ID, enter the show ipcommand.See “Modify Virtual Link Parameters” below for descriptions of the optionalparameters.Modifying Virtual Link ParametersOSPF has some parameters that you can modify for virtual links. Notice thatthese are a subset of the parameters that you can modify for physical inter-faces. cost is not configured for virtual links, it is calculated by route calculation.You can modify default values for virtual links using the following CLIcommand at the OSPF router level of the CLI, as shown in the followingsyntax:Syntax: area < num > | < ip-addr > virtual-link < ip-addr > [authentication-key< string >| md5-auth-key-chain < chain-name-str >] [dead-interval < num >] [hello-interval < num >] [retransmit-interval < num >] [transmit-delay < num >]The parameters are described below. For syntax information, at the CLIprompt, enter the command area help.Virtual Link Parameter DescriptionsYou can modify the following virtual link interface parameters:Authentication Key: OSPF supports two methods of authentication for eachvirtual link—simple password and MD5. In addition, the value can be set tonone, meaning no authentication is performed. Only one method of authentication can be active on a subnet at a time. The default authentication value isnone. The two authentication methods are configured by different commands:11-47