SMART Modular Technologies PCI Host-Accelerated Modem offers the latest inflexibility and compatibility in a standard form factor modem. Its high level ofintegration offers a low-cost, high-performance, low-power, full-featured modemutilizing a PC host CPU for the ultimate Windows 95, 98, 98SE, ME, XP, or Windows NT 4.0solution. The modem is designed to take advantage of the Agere (formerly Lucent Technologies)Mars 3 chipset’s integrated PCI interface which allows it to have efficient access to host PCsystem resources. In conjunction with the host PC, it implements V.90/V.92 technology, whichallows PC users to achieve Internet connection rates approaching 56 kbits/s with backwardcompatibility to existing V.34 modems. It also supports video-ready interface, high-speed datamodes (V.34 extended rates and fallbacks), and Class 1 FAX capabilities.The SMART internal modem provides the optimal parallel interface because it connects directlywith the host PC’s PCI bus. This eliminates the 16550 UART bottleneck. This chip set offersan on-chip PCI interface that supports both slave and master operation. The DSP hardwareperforms MIPS-intensive operations, such as V.92, V.34, and V.32 modulation, while the hostperforms other less MIPS-intensive functions, such as V.42bis. A host-based controller modemhas the benefit of utilizing more powerful CPUs as they become available, as well as access tothe system’s RAM and disk space. Users can therefore be updated in the field, as code simplyresides on the disk. Even with its superior performance, SMART’s internal modem CPU usageis virtually the same as that of a conventional modem.FEATURES• V.90/V.92 Data/Fax Modem• Agere/Lucent 1648 DSP• PCI bus interface• Windows® 9x, ME, XP, NT 4.0compatible• WHQL (Windows Hardware QualityLabs) certified• Plug and Play• V.80 video conference support• Backward compatible to V.90 andV.34 standards• Available in Domestic andInternational versions• Supports standard PCI bus interface as wellas the “Low Profile” PCI standardModemV.90/V.92 PCI Data/FaxInternal V.90/V.92 PCIData/Fax Modem