Changing the TV SettingsChanging the TV Settings 65■ Foreground Color selects a characterforeground color.■ Foreground Opacity selects a foregroundopacity value.■ Background Color selects a characterbackground color.■ Background Opacity selects a backgroundopacity value.■ Character Edge selects a character edge.Using Parental ControlsSecret number setting forparental control (AV inputmode only)Allows you to use a secret number to protect certainsettings from being accidentally changed.Setting a secret numberIn the Setup Menu, select Parental CTRL, Secret No.,and then enter the new 4-digit secret number by usingthe 0–9 buttons on the remote control. Enter the samedigits for Reconfirm and then press Select.Setting parental control statusStatus is used to enable or disable the parental controlfunction. Select On to enable and Off to disableParental CTRL.Changing the secret numberNew Secret No. in the Secret No. menu allows you tochange your current secret number.Clearing the secret numberSecret No. Clear in the Secret No. menu allows you toclear your secret number.Type 3 Monospaced without serifs.Type 4 Proportionally spaced without serifs.Type 5 Casual font type.Type 6 Cursive font type.Type 7 Small capitals.!IMPORTANT: Three conditions must be metto enable V-Chip parental controls:■ Secret No. is registered.■ V-Chip settings have been made.■ Parental Control Status is set to On.FontStyle Description (Continued)!IMPORTANT: As a precautionary measure,record your secret number. See “Recordingyour secret number” on page 83.!IMPORTANT: If the TV is forced-tuned to achannel that has been blocked by ParentalControl, the Parental Control setting isgiven priority, and the EAS message is notbroadcast.