17Setup and configuration task listHP recommends the following IRF fabric setup and configuration procedure:Setup and configuration procedure Remarks1. (Required.) Planning the IRF fabric setup N/A2. (Required.) Preconfiguring IRF member devices in standalone mode:{ Assigning a member ID to each IRF member device{ Specifying a priority for each member device{ Binding physical ports to IRF portsPerform this task on each memberdevice before the IRF mode isenabled.3. (Optional.) Enabling enhanced IRF in standalone modeIf more than two devices are used toform one IRF fabric, this step isrequired.4. (Required.) Saving configuration to the next-startup configuration file N/A5. (Required.) Connecting physical IRF ports Make sure they are interoperable.6. (Required.) Setting the operating mode to IRF mode N/A7. (Required.) Accessing the IRF fabric N/A8. (Optional.) Configuring IRF member devices in IRF mode:{ Assigning an IRF domain ID to the IRF fabric{ Changing the member ID of a device{ Changing the priority of a member device{ Adding physical ports to an IRF port{ Enabling enhanced IRF in IRF mode{ Enabling IRF auto merge{ Configuring a member device description{ Configuring IRF bridge MAC persistence{ Enabling software auto-update for system software imagesynchronization{ Setting the IRF link down report delay{ Configuring MADAdding physical ports to an IRF portis required if you did not configureIRF port bindings in standalonemode.If a two-chassis IRF fabric has newjoining members, you must enablethe enhanced IRF on each memberdevice.CAUTION:Changing member IDs in an IRFfabric can void member ID-relatedconfiguration and causeunexpected problems. Before doingthat, make sure you understand theimpact on your live network.9. (Optional.) Fast-restoring IRF configuration for a one-MPU memberThis task helps you fast-restore IRFconfiguration for one-MPUmembers before an MPUreplacement.Planning the IRF fabric setupConsider the following items when you plan an IRF fabric:• Hardware compatibility and restrictions• IRF fabric size• Master device• IRF physical ports