HP HP NetServers and Data WarehousingHP NetServers for BusinessIntelligence and Mid-MarketData Warehousing SolutionsTop TPC-C and TPC-D benchmarksin the industry for Intel-basedWindows NT servers!Hewlett-Packard has long provided enter-prise data warehouse and data mart solu-tions for information storage and retrievalneeds to large corporations worldwide.Until recently, only large corporate enti-ties could create data warehouses, depart-ment-specific data marts of departmental-ized and replicated data warehouse infor-mation and business intelligence solutionsto better serve decision support needsbecause of the complexity and highinvestment required.Today, mid- and small-sized companiesare being faced with competitive pres-sures and business demands which haveincreased their need to manage, retrieve,and analyze information on demand. Datawarehousing has become the foundationfor business intelligence, helping busi-nesses make better and more timely deci-sions to succeed in today’s competitiveenvironment.Data warehousing solutions are nowaccessible for small- to mid-sized compa-nies running Intel®-based server solutionsincluding Windows® NT and Novell®NetWareTM. For these companies, datawarehousing solutions require a flexible,cost-effective platform that can meetgrowing business needs and be built on asolid server infrastructure that offershighly available, scalable and manageablecomponents, and experienced productsupport and services. HP NetServers pro-vide the platform of choice.Feature BenefitExpandable, scalable family of servers• In-box server upgrades• Full range mass storage and backupsolutions• Partnerships with ISVs for tested,tuned, comprehensive business solutionsHigh-performance, rack-optimized servers• Multi-processors capable• High density• Support for latest Intel processorsHigh-availability and reliability features• Redundant hot-swap drives, PCIcards, power supplies, and fans• Microsoft® Cluster Server Certification• Mission Critical Support Suites with99.9% uptime commitment with NTStorage for data warehousing• Rack optimized storage (RS/8, RS/12)with up to 1.6 Terabyte storage capacity• HP Fiber Channel rack storage (RS/12FC)• HP AutoRAID support• Compatible with HP/EMC Symmetrix 3000• Broad range of HP backup solutionsManageability for data warehousing• HP TopTools• HP OpenView ManageX/SE (shipped withevery HP NetServer L series system)• Web browser-based remote managementHP OpenWarehouse Program• HP Technology advantage• Complete end-to-end solution• Partner Alliance programHP Racks Express• Customized servers• Complete rack solutions• Shipped directly to a reseller or customerFaster and flexible deploymentof data mart and applicationserversAbility to expand growinginformation needsQuickest access to the dataand faster applicationsexecution.Reduced downtime. So,business can keep runningnight and day, every day.Low-cost highly availablestorage solution providing datawarehouse capacity up to300GBBest integrated managementsolution for data warehousing.Lower management costs.Improved revenue and prof-itability. One source for broadrange of heterogeneous busi-ness intelligence solutions.Faster deploymentProduct Brief1