1HP NetServer LP2000rwithHP Rack Storage/12FC & HP Rack Storage/12Cluster Configuration Guide21 March 2001(see Versions at the end of this document)IntroductionThis document defines the supported HP NetServer LP2000r configurations using the HP Rack Storage/12FCand Microsoft Cluster Server and one or two HP Rack Storage/12s. These configurations minimize singlepoints of failure (SPOF, SPOFless1) and provide extended availability. The specific configuration certified andsupported by both Hewlett-Packard and Microsoft is defined, as are other guidelines to assist you inconfiguring your clustered NetServers. This guide is prescriptive; it describes the configurations supported byHP. Any deviance to these configurations can result in an inoperative cluster or an operating cluster withdegraded performance, hidden SPOFs, etc., and therefore will not be supported by HP.What's Defined in a Racked Cluster•Cluster•SPUs•Local and Shared Storage•Intra-cluster and Client LANs•Shared Storage CablingClusterType of SPUs HP NetServer LP2000rEach node must be the same SPU, but may have different clock speeds,main memory sizes, cache sizes, and number of CPUs.Number of nodes 2Shared Storage HP Rack Storage/12FC with two FCArray Cards, HP disks, and an HPD8602B HBA in each server. See Shared Storage below.LANs:Client LAN Any that is HP and Microsoft approved. See Client LAN below.For a SPOFless cluster, two D5013B NICs configured with AFT isrecommended (Add one NIC and pair with embedded).Intra-cluster(Heartbeat) LANEmbedded NIC with crossover cable. See Intra-cluster LAN below.Power source Direct from power mains, power conditioner or uninterruptible power1 For more information about configuring a SPOFless cluster, refer to the HP white paper, High AvailabilityMSCS Cluster Solution on the HP NetServers, HA Planning website.