E-26Before Using the Program AreaNumber of Remaining Steps: The program capacity is 400 steps. Thenumber of steps indicates the amount of storage space available forprograms, and it will decrease as programs are input. The number ofremaining steps will also decrease when steps are converted to memories.See Array Variables above.Program Type: You must specify in each program the calculation mode thatthe calculator should enter when executing the program. To perform binary,octal or hexadecimal calculations or conversions, choose BaseN; otherwisechoose MAIN.Program Area: There are 10 program areas for storing programs (P0–P9 ). Ifan area has a program stored in it, its number is displayed as a subscript (asin P1).Program Control InstructionsThe calculator’s programming language is similar to many programminglanguages, such as BASIC and C. You can access most of the programmingcommands from the program control instructions. You display theseinstructions by pressing [ 2nd ] [ INST ].Clear screen commandCLS⇒ Clear the display on the screen.Input and output commands