MODEL 9160ACARD READERMa nual Part No. 09160-90001In st rulllent S('rb l Numher Make Manual Changes In s trum e nt Serial Numhf'" Make Ma nual Changes941 1, 3 , 4,5 , and 6978 ALLChange 1 - Pa ge 2ADD THESE SPECIFICATIONS:Line Width :ReadingRate :Codes :Weight :Power :Dimensions:C han ge 2 - Page 7Minimum 0.020 inch pencil mark required forreliable sensing.20 milliseconds per character. Inserting cardstarts motor which pulls card through reader.Column weights of marked columns are added tototal the calculator key code.Net 4 . 5 lbs., shipping 5.5 lbs.Takes power from -hp- 9100 Calculator. (Idle2. 5 watts, running 3. 5 watts. )3 1/ 2" high by 5 1/ 3" wide by 11 ] / 4" deep .ADD AFTER FIRST PARAGRAPH UNDER SKIPCode "Skip 77" (markin g all sev en blocks across the card)ca use s th e 9160A to cease r ea ding th e balance of the marked card.This ca n be used to terminate card r ea din g in th e middle of a card,and in thes e cases, it obviates the n ee d for marking skip channelson every line.To correct an er rone ous SUB-RETURN command when opera ti ngwith a 9100B. one must erase rath er than skip. Attempting t o skipa SUB- RETURN marked in e rror will cause the halanc( ; r,f th(; insf.ruI:-tiOIlS OIl th at card to be ignored.1 Ma y 1970 Suppl emen t A for 09160-90001