OPERATING AND SERVICE MANUALVOLUME 2HP 86731:HP86730SYNTHESIZEDSIGNALGENERATOR[Including Options001, 002, 003,004,005,006,908 and 913)SERIAL NUMBERSThis manual applies directly to instruments withserial numbers prefixed 2332A.For additional important information about serialnumbers, see INSTRUMENTS COVERED BYMANUAL in Section I.NOTEIf you return the request card for a finalOperating and Service Manual, Volume 1,wewill, send you a complete final Operating andService Manual, Volume 1 and 2.HEWLETTPACKARD@ CopyrIght HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY ,984, ,9851501 PAGE MILL ROAD, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA. U.S.A.“olume 1 Pari Number 08673-80021